Free psd corporate resume made in a clean and simple, but very effective style. This design will surely help you catch the eye of future employers. Go ahead and download now for free!
Free psd corporate resume designed in separate sections that include your personal and professional information. The resume is very clean and clear, which makes it easy to navigate. The information sections that it includes are:
- Personal information
- Objective
- Contact
- Education
- Skills
- Work Experience
- Activities
- Languages
Each section is fully layered, properly grouped and named, which makes the customization easy as pie. You can also change the colors, text, shapes, icons, etc.
This free psd corporate resume is available in 300 dpi and ready to get printed. Go ahead and grab it now by clicking on the Free Download button below!
Need more creative resumes, brochures and other templates? Then feel free to check out our Print Templates section and take your pick.

Free PSD Corporate Resume
Print Ready : Yes
Size: A4: 8 x 11 inches
Regulation : 300 dpi
File Format: PSD
File Size: 2.74 MB
Fonts: Oswald, Roboto
Author: Free PSD Files
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